Commission Info

Welcome, before you commission me please do read the rules!


If your commission contains:
racism, islamophobic or any other religion-phobic, homophobic, transphobic, pedophilia, incest, then no. Go away.

Jika commission kamu isinya ada:
rasisme, islamofobia atau fobia agama yang lain, homofobik, transfobia, pedopilia, inses, pergi aja lu hush.
Below is more details about the rules.
Dibawah ini detail lebih tentang aturannya.

Commission RulesEN version
1.) Not an NSFW/Furry1. Again please read what i've mention above about your commission content.
 2. For the Furry one, i just don't have confidence in drawing it but i can draw animal ears tho.
2.) You can DM me on twt or via emailsPlease send me what's your commissioning me for first and i'll judge the content of it.
3.) You must send me more details if i accept your request1. Can be sketch, a picture/ photos, or what pose you want it to be. This will be used for my reference and it will help me by a lot!
 2. The price will be up if it has a lot of details.
4.) I will ask your opinion about the sketch/lineart/colorsIt's your commission so you can absolutely tell me to change/ fix/ add something to the WIP as much as you like!
5.) Pay me as i've done the clear lineart, then i'll continue to do the rest of the work after thatJust to make sure you'll pay for what i've worked with, if you changed your mind at the lineart result you can just cancel it there, but you still have to pay things up a little for my time working on it.
Aturan commissionVersi INDO
1.) Bukan NSFW/Furry1. Sekali lagi silakan baca apa yang saya sebutkan di atas tentang konten commission kamu.
 2. Untuk yang furry, saya gak terlalu percaya diri gambarnya tapi saya bisa menggambar kuping hewan gitu kok.
2.) Bisa DM saya di twt atau melalui emailTolong kirimkan saya apa yang kamu bakal commission nanti saya akan menilai isinya.
3.) Kamu harus mengirimi saya detail lebihnya kalo saya udah nerima request kamu1. Bisa sketsa, gambar/foto, atau pose apa yang kamu inginkan. Ini akan digunakan untuk referensi saya dan itu akan banyak membantu saya!
 2. Harga akan naik jika punya banyak detail.
4.) Saya akan nanya tentang pendapatmu mengenai sketsa/lineart/warnaIni komisi kamu, kamu boleh banget nyuruh saya ngubah/ memperbaikin/ nambahin sesuatu di WIP saya sebanyak yang kamu mau!
5.) Bayar saya pas saya udah selesai ngelineart, baru setelah itu saya akan ngelanjutin sisa kerjanya.Untuk jaga jaga supaya kamu bayar kerjaan saya, kalo kamu berubah pukiran dari hasil lineartnya kamu bisa cancel aja mulai disitu, tapi kamu tetep harus bayar dikit buat waktu saya yang udah kepake.
6.) Buat yang ku kenal di RL kalian bisa bayar langsung ke akuInget aja kalo kalian ngebatalin request pas saya udah hampir kelar entah lineartnya atau warnanya siap siap tek pites koe. [Probenzeeallawl]

Your commission will just be sended to you once it's done, it's yours so you can do whatever you want with it!
But do not sell them back as a merch, reproduction is prohibited without permission!
Commissionmu akan kukirim ke kamu saja setelah selesai, itu udah jadi punyamu jadi kamu bisa ngelakuin apa aja yang kamu mau!
Tapi jangan dijual kembali sebagai merch, dilarang memproduksi ulang tanpa izin!
ꕥ Please be respectful towards me if you don't want to get turned down immediately.
ꕥ Tolong jaga sopan santun dirimu kalo ga mau saya langsung tolak.

Example and prices:

(click on pictures to view a larger image)
(klik gambar untuk memperbesar)

Style 1 :
Look more serious (?) and more semi realistic.
Keliatan lebih serius (?) lebih ke semi realis.

Style 2 :
Look more stylistic, and even more cartoonish.
Keliatan lebih stylistik dan lebih kartunis.

Sketch examples :
Contoh sketsa.

Style 3 :

Style 4 :
Yes, you can also commission me cursed style like these...
Ya, kamu juga bisa commission aku pake style yang begini...

Here's some examples of what i can do if you wanted a background.
Ini contoh kalau kamu mau pakai background.

Body example

It's per 1 person/character not per 1 entire illustration!
Ini per orang/character bukan per illustrasi ya!

TypeLokal:Non Locals:
⭐️Style 1&2: Headshot20k-25k 
⭐️Style 1&2: Half body25k-45k 
⭐️Style 1&2: knee-up45k-75k 
⭐️Style 1&2: Full body150k+ 
✨️Style 3&4: Depends on details10k/20k/30k/50k+ 
The price will be added to totals if :  
⭐️ Monochrome/little shaded+ 2k-5k 
⭐️ Full color and Shade+ 10k-50k 
+ Simple background+ 5k 
+ Detailed background+ 10k-60k 
Example order:  
● Head shot style 2+ full color + simple bg■ Head shot style 4+ full color + simple bg◇ Full body style 3+ full color + simple bg
● Total= 25k+50k+5k = 80k payment■ Total= 10k+50k+5k = 65k payment◇ Total= 50k+50k+5k =105k payment
These are some example of how to-Order up the commission! Again prices-Can be changed depending on details!!!

ꕥ DM me with the Artstyle you chose + Type + with or without background and more details (with color or not, etc).
ꕥ The prices depends on how much details there is, how big the canvas size, and how hard they're to draw.
ꕥ Price can be negotiated if you want to.
ꕥ DM aku pakai Artstyle yang kamu pilih + Tipenya + Pakai/Tidak pakai background dan detail tambahanmu (pake warna atau ga, dst).
ꕥ Harganya tergantung dengan banyaknya detail yang ada, ukuran kanvasnya dan sesusah apa digambarnya.
ꕥ Harga bisa dinegosiasi atau ditawar kalo kamu mau.